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We strive to see every child enjoy the warmth and love of a family !

Hope and Homes for Children is an international organization recognized globally for its expertise in the field of Deinstitutionalization by placing children including children with disabilities from institutions/ orphanages into families, and family-based alternative care and provides supports to families in crisis to tackle the root causes of family breakdown or child institutionalization.

Hope and Homes for Children has extensive experience in assisting governments in establishing or strengthening child protection systems capable of addressing a range of child protection concerns, such as child neglect, child abuse, child labor, child exploitation, child trafficking, and the root causes of family breakdown.

Institutions and orphanages are neither necessary nor suitable for child care. Our experience aligns with various research findings that indicate institutional care is harmful to children. Hope and Homes for Children ensures that all children have the opportunity to grow up in the loving care of a family.

Our Vision

A world in which children no longer suffer institutional care.

Our Mission

To be the catalyst for the global elimination of institutional care for children.

Our History

Learn more about how Hope and Homes for Children started its work in Rwanda and how it partnered with the Rwandan government in implementing a transformative Inclusive child care reform.


Hope and Homes for Children in Rwanda has received awards for implementing programs that have had a positive impact on children and families. Read more about this.