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Book of stories

This book is a compilation of stories from teen mothers, parents, and local leaders who shared their experiences on how the Teen Mothers Project has profoundly impacted their lives. Having supported 252 teen mothers in Kicukiro District, these narratives provide a glimpse into the transformative journey of those the project has assisted. Dive into these inspiring stories!

Model of Interventions to Support teen Mothers

Hope and Homes for Children Rwanda has meticulously documented an intervention model to support teen mothers. This model, known as “Active Family Support,” has been thoughtfully adapted to address the complex needs of teen mothers. Lead More about the Model of intervention to teen mothers.

National Survey, 2012

The objective of this survey was to collect extensive quantitative data on all children residing in institutions in Rwanda, including the personal experiences of these children, to gather information on the institutions and their staff, as well as to identify any current interventions prioritizing child care reform.

KAP study Rwanda (NCPD, NCDA, and HHC 2021):

The study is premised on the view that the knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding attributes and conceptualization of CWD in their families and communities vis-à-vis institutional care for CWD, are crucial determinants of barriers/enablers of full and meaningful integration of CWD into community life in Rwanda.

National Survey of Residential Centers for Children with Disabilities in Rwanda

The survey aimed at gathering comprehensive and disaggregated data related to residents’ characteristics, staff profile, and the minimum standards for the centres.

Document model of closure of institutions for children with disabilities in Rwanda

This report firstly outlines the effects of both institutional care and DI, then the 5 key steps – engagement, assessment, service design and development, transition and M&E – that serve as an effective blueprint for a successful DI process of children and young adults with disabilities. Gaps and challenges are also highlighted as well as mitigation measures in the DI process and finally recommendations.

Organizational Profile (HHC 2022

This document describes the Historical background of Hope and Homes for Children, the description of the work we do in Rwanda, the target groups, Achievements, and awards received over the 22 years that Hope and Homes for Children has been operating in Rwanda.